Tag Archive: health

Grab Your Copies of the new, exciting and highly informative CSRWatch Magazine Vol 1 Issue 4 2013.


Read about;

West African Pipelines Company, WAPCo’s claim of a whooping $2million CSR expenditure in Badagry, Lagos



The Deadly KEMPS cream crackers biscuits.

The Top 20 corporately responsible companies in Nigeria.

Our ‘CSRAcademy’ & The CSR center, Lagos Business School.

Our Focus: GTBank’s Adopt-A-School initiative.

Our authoritative ‘Diary of the societal vulnerable’.

& Our Special exclusive Interview: CEO Etisalat Nigeria, Steven Evans, speaks on the over $500million invested in Nigeria in the last 5years.


you cant afford to miss this.

(Standing tall, staying strong and being fit for life.)


Kieran Gozie Enechi


Contrary to popular fad, the worst killers of good radiant health are not the rough things you eat. Surprisingly, they are the bad feelings you feed into the mind. Those are the hidden culprits.

Advanced health sciences have traced the root of all diseases to a disruptive energy pattern in the body, caused by destructive cellular memories that engender wrong tendencies, unhealthy habits and predictable results.

kieran enechi The last three points highlighted above are the reason people deny themselves of radiant health or full restoration of wellness by subjecting their bodies to denatured diet regimen and harmful chemical drinks that do many damage to the body. Add to this, the inhalation of toxic smoke and fumes, insufficient physical exertion in a naturally clean environment; to complete the cycle of destruction by toxic overload.

Bad feelings ignite toxic chemical changes in the body, corrupt and corrode the make good decisions. Like alcohol, it depresses the sense of judgement despite the availability of illuminating information on the matter, tendency or inclination.

Science has recently gone ahead to uncover that really feeling good despite the bad turns in personal or business pursuit of objectives, significantly unleashes the right chemical changes in the enzymes of the body. This in turn stimulates the cells and by connection, the organs and the systems of the body and in effect, the brain for more positive and visible rapid results. (More issues on this topic in our subsequent lectures and publications.)

The world’s best kept secret appears not to be the atomic or nuclear but the healing codes.

The later is more protected than the former but all healing rays emanate from the purest of heights for the sustenance of life and experiencing therein, thus under the inviolable protection of the light through the laws that operate in creation, knowledge for the wellness of man can be mediated without offending or outraging the sensibilities of our neighbours.

A whistle clean health is possible and can be realised in measurable lengths. Restoration of radiant health is a certainty anytime we resolve to eliminate destructive cellular memories from our harassed and harrowing body system. When we do this; the roots of all the puffy eyes, drooping cheeks, aching bones and joints, putrefied intestinal waste matter, unexplained swelling, rough skin, bad breath, heart, blood, and other ailments, will naturally melt away, and cannot return except allowed. If we do this, we will be left with only the symptoms of ill-health that has no root feeding its branches. Nature cure will then wean the body to an admirable level of wellness.

Having identified the root and been removed, we can then proceed to specific and successful nature cure sure-fire tips for resounding levels of wellness applicable to different ailments and diseased conditions. Some of the things your favourite doctor either by innocent omission or by commission has not yet let you know of. Starting with executive toxic overload, and of course, your specific questions – which are most welcome? (More issues on subsequent discourse.)

Nature cure is today the application of and adjustment to a simple, natural way of life and living with the aim of raising the bar of wellbeing by eliminating disease-causing conditions. One of such conditions as shown is allowing bad experiences sink in, your experiences when they sink in are not just stored in the cerebellum or the section of the brain known as the hippocampus. Experiences input itself into the fine cells of the body forming a chain of cellular memories that bring resultant physical effects depending on its contents.

How can all these highlighted health problems be handled; and other situations, to bring back our immune systems to normalcy for our life’s sake? That exactly is where the definitive and immensely helpful tips spoken of will light up the way starting from the approaching festive week.

By Joseph Chibueze


When in August 1999, the new government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Lagos State launched the waste to wealth programme, it was obviously in response to the terrible state of the environment in the state as at the time. That singular action earned the government a lot of commendations and it was seen then as a government with foresight.

But like most other government programmes before it, there was no further action beyond the official launch. Nigeria is a country noted for initiating beautiful policies that also go with very nice slogans. Remember operation feed the nation, green revolution, school-to-land, operation sweep and many others? Unfortunately most of these programmes in spite of their nice slogans and acceptance by the generality of the people, never achieved their objectives.

The reason is simple: There is just no political will on the part of government to implement them, while on the other hand, some greedy individuals within government circles saw the programmes as opportunity to enrich themselves. At the end of the day, the programmes remain on the drawing board, but the money budgeted for them have been spent.

That was probably the fate that befell Lagos State Government’s waste-to-wealth programme. It has been in the limbo until recently when the present administration decided to dust up the file and give life to the project by empowering the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (Lawma), the body charged with the responsibility of waste management in the state.

Though the government of Babatunde Fashola made environmental cleanness a top priority on assumption of office in 2007, his efforts appeared not to be yielding the desired result as the volume of waste kept increasing by the day. The landfill sites were over flowing necessitating the creation of new ones. For how long will that continue knowing that land is a scarce commodity in the state?

So it was time to look for a solution, a solution that will not only help the state maintain a clean environment and a healthy citizenry, but also save the landfills and create wealth. Mrs. Tolu Adeyo, recycling manager, Olusosu Recycling Plant in an interview said “we could not afford to continue to land fill those waste while there are recyclable materials in there. That is why we are looking at the issue of recycling so that it will prolong the land fills and ensure environmental sustainability. So as much as possible we try to reduce what goes into our land fills.”

Lagos State generates over 10,000 metric tonnes of waste daily. In time past virtually every street had a refuse dump rising as high as a storey building, producing offensive odors and obstructing traffic and in some cases causing flooding as it blocks the drains.

A challenge it was, a serious one for that matter, but that which was a problem is about to become a gold mine, a money spinner for not only the state government but also for the citizens.


The project

The State’s Waste To-Wealth programme is an integrated waste management system that involves recycling of solid waste into various new products including clean energy.

The project which is being executed by the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (Lawma) in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) and the African Carbon Asset Development (ACAD) is expected to capture methane gas from waste and use it to generate electricity. The project apart from preventing the release of greenhouse gases which endanger the environment, will also create jobs and provide infrastructure through public-private partnership (PPP) among others.

It is a huge leap for wealth creation and environmental health in Lagos State, as the authorities move from traditional landfill disposal to modes of waste management that are economically rewarding and socially responsible.

Mr. Ola Oresanya, managing director of Lawma in an interview said the project is essentially a private sector driven initiative. According to him, “The reason for this is obvious, if it must be sustainable it has to be in the hands of the private sector while government only play the role of a regulator. In fact as we speak, this project has been concessioned to a private outfit to execute for 20 years. The government did that to ensure sustainability. So it is a Public-Private Partnership.”

He explained that the objectives of the project are to fully harness and utilise alternative options available in managing waste, thus reducing reliance on landfill disposal as well as minimise the emission of greenhouse gases, while managing waste in an environmentally sound, socially responsible and financially sustainable manner.

“We want to harness a new line of economic activities for interested parties within and outside Lagos. We have developed gas wells to manage and recycle municipal solid waste into clean energy. Landfill gas can be generated 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

“The gas is extracted from landfills using a series of wells and a blower or vacuum system. This system directs the collected gas to a central point where it can be processed and treated depending on the ultimate use for it,” he said.

The project holds strong possibilities for job creation, reduction in urban poverty, wealth redistribution and small business enterprise development. Globally, megalitres of raw sewage that would otherwise be pumped into the ocean, and tonnes of organic waste that would normally go into landfills, are being converted into electricity, fertiliser and clean water.

The waste to wealth programme according to Oresanya, also include nylon buyback programme, recycling banks, recycling plant at the Olusosun recycling centre; collection of PET bottles, aluminium cans, cardboard, cullet and other materials; and compost facility in Ikorodu in collaboration with Messrs Earthcare.

Others are the establishment of the recycling village for waste to wealth; engagement in school advocacy programme; waste paper collection; attracting investors for recycling, tyre and waste to energy projects among others.

According to Adeyo, there are different types of recyclables, nylon, metal, paper, plastics, bottles, pet bottles and so on. “But right now Lawma recycles plastics. We have a nylon recycling plant located at Olusosun our land fill site. We also have a composting plant in Ikorodu which is producing organic manure. What we are doing as a government is not to go into the business of recycling, but to show that it is possible, here lawma serves as a waste brokerage, we serve as a stock exchange. Government is supposed to be a regulatory body, but we need to jump start the process so that people will see that it is possible.


A new culture

For Adeyo, the whole idea of waste sorting and recycling is a new culture which must be imbibed by the people. “That is why we are doing a lot of education. The recycling banks are there to raise the curiosity of the people and get them asking questions and eventually they will get the right answers and that will help them to begin to imbibe that habit of separating the waste right from their homes.

“The level of compliance is still quite low and we need to do a lot of education and that is why we need to work with the private sector. Yes we are getting response from companies but it is still at a low level yet because not everybody knows that we have these things. That is why we are intensifying our efforts to create awareness and education. The issue of separating waste is a culture that needs to be inculcated and until people start seeing the value in it they will not imbibe it. So we will keep working and educating our people. From the responses we are receiving from our radio and television programmes where people are calling to say so they can actually make money from sorting waste, and they are asking how they can do it better, it is obvious that the message is making an impact. It is a waste to wealth thing, it is an alternative source of income. And we want our people to see it from that angle, in the long run, they will also discover that their environment is becoming cleaner and they are living healthier,” she said.



Wealth for all

One good thing about the waste to wealth programme is that it has opened up a new business line, the selling of recyclable materials. Moving through Lagos streets these days one sees bundles of satchets water packs which hitherto liter the streets obstructing flow of water in the drains, neatly packed ready for sale to waste merchants. Same goes for pet bottles, waste paper, old cartons, old office files and of course metals of different types.

“What we have done is to put value on those supposedly waste materials by buying it from the public. We have jingles on the radio and television to sensitise people and let them know that there is a market for their pure water sachets. All we want is to get the people sort their waste right from their homes,” said Adeyo.

She added that being a new idea, it would be difficult to get the people to comply if they cannot see any value they can derive from sorting those waste. “You can’t just go from household to household, you can talk from now to eternity people will still not do it, but when you have value that is attached to it, they would by themselves start cooperating with you and that is why that recycling banks are out there to help change the mind set of the people. When people see the banks, they would ask questions and that way they would begin to comply.

“To be honest with you, recycling is a profitable business, if it is not profitable you won’t find people there and it would not be promoted the way it has been in other parts of the world. A lot of companies are now looking inwards because they want to reduce their over heads. Recycling will help to reduce the operating cost for most companies and a lot of companies are looking that direction now. In fact if you go to our land fill site you won’t find metals there because as they are coming people are there waiting to buy them.

“One of the areas we are focusing on this year is tyre recycling. We are working to ensure that after the shelf life of the tyres they don’t end up in the land fills and you know that it remains there, over time it will start releasing some gas that pollute the environment,” Adeyo said.

For Mrs. Tolu Adegbite, a recycling officer at the Olusosun Recycling Plant, “People are actually responding, just a few days ago, an old woman came here with her bundle of satchet water packs for us to buy, even though we have stopped buying satchet water packs for now because our warehouse is over flowing with them, we just couldn’t refuse her. We bought them from her. Another thing we have done is we have rebranded scavengers, they are now called Resource Managers. We did that because we want to give them a more honourable outlook, that way more people would freely join and earn a living from supplying us recyclable materials. It is all part of the job creation part of the programme.”


New business opportunity

A visit to the Olusosun landfill site on a typical day, will present the picture of a busy market place with hundreds of scavengers dutifully turning every piece of refuse dropped on the site. It is a case of the faster you are, the more you get. The business is mostly dominated by people from the northern part of the country with a few southerners who in most cases serve as middlemen, buying from the scavengers and reselling to merchants or companies.

Umar Kabila who came all the way from Katsina State is one of the resource managers. Kabila, a secondary school leaver whose aspiration is to do a National Certificate in Education (NCE) programme in a College of Education had to go into scavenging to raise the money he needs to finance his education. He said he has been in the business for four years.  “I want to go to college of education. I finished secondary school in 2004, I tried to do NCE but I don’t have the money, so I decided to come here and hustle. If I get enough money I will go back to school. I have saved up to over N100,000. It would have been more than that but you know I have to assist my parents. We are more than 20 children in my family,” he explained.

Kabila said that metal gives more gain than nylon and plastics. He also reveals that because of the competitive nature of the business, customers deposit money with the suppliers pending the time the materials are available.

On the volume of materials one can pick in a day, Kabila said it could be as high as two tonnes a week or even more depending on how hardworking one is. “But that is no longer the case, the volume has been drastically reduced because many people have joined. I think that is because they have seen that there is a lot of money to be made picking scraps,” he said.

Apart from the scavengers, there are also others who are at the site providing support services like the food vendors, recharge card sellers, loaders and the carriers. Mustapha Abubakar is one of the carriers. He said he makes about N4000 a day carrying the scraps for those who bought them to their vehicles. But then he does not work every day because their work have been scheduled in such a way that every body gets a chance to work. They have a union.

Government also generates revenue from the business activities at the landfill. For instance, scavengers pay a daily rate of N70, sellers pay N100 weekly while buyers also pay N200 to government each time they were at the site to transact business.

From all indication this waste-to-wealth project is of inestimable value especially in a society where unemployment is at its highest peak and families are finding it difficult to feed and where there is severe environmental degradation and frightening trends in the climatic system. Turning waste into energy is a proven technology that has the potential to provide a significant amount of domestic energy needs, while reducing the nation’s over-dependence on landfill and also solving the perennial problem of erratic power supply.

It is instructive to know that this sustainable system environmental management through waste to wealth is catching the attention of other states in the federation. Ondo State has already introduced the system with the slogan: Pure water satchet = Cash. Plateau State is also thinking along that line but according to the state commissioner for environment, Mrs. Sarah Yusuf, the state is still trying to set up a central dump site.



Price list


Item                                                            Price per kg

PET bottles                                                      N20

White paper                                                     N20

Colour paper                                                    N10

Nylon bag                                                        N20

Metals                                                              N15

Shoe soles                                                        N30

Aluminum cans                                                N75

Jerry cans                                                         N14

Satchet water packs                                         N30

Clothes                                                            N10 or N20

Bottles                                                             N10 (each)

by Oke Enechi


Ada is her parent’s last child and so much loved by them. Today, she is having fever but the parents, very poor cannot afford to take her to any nearby health center. As the desperation of the mother continues to increase, the father remembered he bought a medicine at the last market day – a black liquid concoction in a bottle. The seller popularly known as “doctor” in the village market claims it cures every ailment including jaundice in a day old baby. He smiled and gave the bottle to the wife. “I bought it from the doctor at the last market day, give her, I believe she will be ok”, he told her. The wife looked at him calmly and took the bottle from him. She also believes in the ‘efficacy’ of the medicine. One of her friends told her once of the ability of “doctor’s” medicines.

Quickly she administered the dark liquid to the baby. But after one hour, the fever increased. Terrified! They have no option but to rush her to the village health center and see if the nurse there can treat the baby while they pay later. On the way to the health center, the baby died.

The baby would have lived if the parents had treated mosquito nets to protect her against mosquito bites. The child would have been saved if there is a micro health insurance targeting the poor that provides a safety net for them – Ada would have been rushed to the hospital in the first place without any hesitation.

Beautiful Ada would have been living, playing with her mates if NAFDAC is active in the rural areas to arrest and prosecute merchants of death such as “doctor”. Ada would have been living if companies are executing targeted CSR projects in the rural areas providing health education, developing innovative micro health insurance products and providing health facilities such as treated mosquito nets etc. But all these did not happen and she died.

But in faraway cities, in good hotels and good office complexes, business executives and their employees are busy thinking of ways of coming in to help out in promoting good health. But they waste precious time arguing about the conceptual differences that exist between corporate social responsibility, corporate social investment and corporate philanthropy while the societal vulnerable suffer untold hardship including death daily. Yes, conceptually there are differences. But does it really matter? Corporate social responsibility (CSR) according to a study conducted by GTZ in conjunction with other institutions on the factors that promotes or hinders CSR in sub-Sahara Africa, is viewed as “accountability of companies, to both share-holders and stakeholders, for their utilisation of resources, for their means of production, for their treatment of workers and consumers, for their impact on the social and ecological environment in which they operate and for the way in which they exercise their legislative and fiduciary duties” and the same report view the concept of Corporate social investment (CSI) as “the way in which companies care for the well-being of the social and ecological environment of the communities in which they operate. To this end they invest, in a variety of ways, in the advancement of certain socially and/or environmentally defined needs, projects or causes extraneous to their regular business activities”. Corporate philanthropy is an act of corporations donating part of their profits to NGOs to execute projects for the benefit of the society. That is why I find the piece on the corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility reproduced from the CSR Academy in the last edition of this magazine very interesting. The differences in my opinion are rather blurred and the societal vulnerable do not see these differences rather they look forward to anybody – be it corporation or any other organisation – that can help to improve their lives. And this is where the view of Dayo George, the Head of CSR & Communications, BAT, West Africa that “CSR is not just about community development, it is a total package and it is the totality of what you do internally to drive sustainability”, becomes very instructive. The truth is that CSR is viewed as a community development here because of our state of development. This view seems to be confirmed by a study conducted in 2009 by GTZ on the factors that promotes and hinders CSR in Sub-Sahara Africa, where it was found that most of the ‘would be’ beneficiaries of CSR projects in Sub Saharan countries surveyed prefer community development projects. Also another study conducted by Jantzi Sustainalytics strongly highlighted the role of multinational companies in realization of the MDGs in the sub-Sahara Africa. USAID also argue in one of their documents that the business community has a very critical role to play by providing “tremendous contributions in promoting good health and well-being” of the society. These views strongly suggest that CSR in our part of the world should be community development driven.

In my view, companies rather than discuss the differences, need to urgently blend the three conceptual models if they really want to make an impact with their CSR. There is no point dissipating energy on the conceptual differences of corporate social responsibility, corporate philanthropy and corporate social investment when there is much they can do to be of help to the society where they operate and earn profit. The societal vulnerable wants to see a project that will impact on their life and don’t care whatever names you call it.

Survey predicts brighter future for sustainable product marketing


If you build it, they will come. That’s the message behind a new research study conducted by shopper marketing and industry insight experts, Ryan Partnership Chicago and Mambo Sprouts Marketing, which shows health and eco-consumers want one universal green score to help them make sustainable product buying decisions.

New survey findings published in the One Green Score for One Earth sustainability research white paper suggest shoppers would increase sustainable product spending if only they could determine which products were truly green and which had been simply green-washed.

“We know that consumer commitment to earth-friendly products is increasing,” says Christine Nardi Diette, president of Ryan Partnership Chicago. “But all of the green messaging is creating more confusion than confidence. Consumers are challenging manufacturers and retailers to be clear about their commitment to sustainability.”

According to the study, health and eco-conscious consumers say that a universal product sustainability score would influence their brand purchase decisions. Research findings indicate just how strong the demand is for such a score and how consumers would prefer the rating system to work.


AT&T to use plant plastic in accessory packaging


AT&T has announced plans to introduce new plastic in AT&T-branded accessory packaging, which is composed of up to 30 percent plant-based materials sourced from

ethanol harvested from natural sugarcane. The sugarcane used in this plant plastic is a rapidly renewable agricultural crop and replaces nearly a third of the fossil fuels traditionally used in this accessory packaging with material made from plants.

The adoption of the new plastic is part of AT&T’s broader overall commitment to minimize its environmental impact. In March of 2010 the company announced its plans to slim down their accessory packaging; in 2010 and 2011, the company eliminated the use of over 500 tons of paper and plastic in that packaging.

Customers can expect to see the transition to the new packaging in stores and online starting October 2, 2011. The plastic will be used in packaging for AT&T-branded wireless accessories, which includes most device cases and power accessories.

“As a company we are committed to minimizing our own environmental impact, and we see the introduction of this plant-based plastic as an important step in the right direction,” said Jeff Bradley, senior vice president for devices, AT&T. “We are excited to be the first U.S. telecom company to use this plastic in our packaging and we hope other companies will join us in finding ways to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We are actively working with our accessory suppliers to incorporate both less packaging and more sustainable plastic and paper.”

Prior advancements in AT&T’s efforts to reduce waste and minimize the overall environmental impact of accessory packaging include using soy and/or vegetable-based ink and recycled paperboard

AT&T is committed to integrating sustainable business practices across its business and was recently added to Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 12th Annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List. AT&T was also included in the 2010 Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (DJSI) and in Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) 2010 Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI).




Entergy Corporation leads in sustainability for 10 years


For the 10th straight year, Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR) has been recognized as a leader in sustainability, ranking among the best in climate strategy, corporate governance, occupational health and safety, price and risk management, and scorecard measurements.

Entergy was named to the 2011-12 Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index, one of only 13 U.S. utilities included on that list. DJSI North America evaluates the largest North American companies based on long-term economic, environmental and social criteria.


Entergy has been included on either the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index or DJSI North America every year since 2002.


“We could not be more proud of Entergy being named among the sustainability leaders for what is now 10 years in a row,” said J. Wayne Leonard, chairman and chief executive officer of Entergy Corporation. “It’s objective validation that our work to integrate sustainable business principles into our business model continues to pay dividends to the environment, our customers and our shareholders.”


Companies are selected for the index based on a comprehensive assessment of long-term economic, environmental and social criteria that account for general as well as industry-specific sustainability trends.


The DJSI North America selects the top 20 percent in terms of sustainability from each industry sector of the 600 biggest North American companies on the Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index. The results were announced by SAM, an investment firm focused on sustainability investing, together with Dow Jones Indexes.


Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, and it is the second-largest nuclear generator in the United States. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.7 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of more than $11 billion and approximately 15,000 employees.



Join Social Media Campaign to Save Lives
December 6, 2012
  • A young boy sits on a stack of ore sacks in the mining processing site in Bagega village.
    © 2011 Marcus Bleasdale/VII for Human Rights Watch
Lead poisoning in Zamfara State, Nigeria, has taken the lives of over 400 children and left thousands more with permanent life-long disability. In May, President Goodluck Jonathan pledged $4 million to clean up the lead contamination. Today, that money is nowhere to be found, and thousands of children remain at risk of death and disability.
Cleanup of the contaminated village Bagega, which is home to 8,000 residents, must begin by January to ensure completion by the rainy season. If President Jonathan makes good on his promise and releases the funds immediately, the cleanup can still happen and lives will be saved. If not, more children will be lost to this preventable tragedy.
Add your voice to those asking President Jonathan to release the money.
·         Visit his Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/jonathangoodluck) and comment on his last status update with the following message:
President Jonathan, why won’t you release the money you promised in May to clean up poisonous lead in Zamfara? Children are dying and your government’s failure to act is putting more children at risk.
·         Share this page on your wall and invite your friends to participate.
·         Sign the petition on behalf of approximately 1,500 lead poisoned children who are awaiting urgent medical treatment in Bagega, Nigeria.